Monday, July 30, 2007

White Lies

There comes a time in our lives that we feel really down. Someone gives advices and lifts up your sad feeling. Then, you'll suddenly feel confident of yourself. You're happy and you'll move on.

Then all of a sudden, when you are now really proud and confident, the same someone would say "I think you misunderstood" or "I don't think you know what really happened". There we go again, your self-esteem decreases again.

Sometimes, there are just some things that MUST be left unsaid. And, thus, the existence of white lies. But which should I prefer? I'm confused. *sigh

1 comment:

JoEmZ said...

like i said, when other people make you feel down (even if it's me), don't listen to it... fight the negative feeling... don't let yourself be down.