Monday, July 23, 2007


No, I'm not. I was busy this morning, but not anymore. *sigh

Our server is having it's down time again (in short, no work!). I don't have a copy of my scripts' steps, so now I'm not doing anything. I remembered some, and that's what I did this morning. But right now, BUM!

My solution? I'm busying myself with editing my pictures. I have this GIMP software that works like photoshop. I started editing this morning with my resume's picture. Yep, resume.

I'm enjoying it anyway. It's my way of filling spaces in between office hourse. I'd rather modify images and learn graphics that browsing through the internet, and momentarily increase my usage (bad record!! hehehe)

So that's it. I'm not busy with work, I'm busy with other non-work-related things -- PICTURES!!!

1 comment:

JoEmZ said...

now you're busy... =P