Monday, June 8, 2009

2010 Presidentiables

Hello again.  This is just going to be a short one since I still have work to do.

In the news this evening, one of the reports was about the presidentiables for the coming national election.  Well, surveys say that GMA's trust survey went down.  Likewise, polls for Joseph Estrada, Mar Roxas, etc. went up.  Noli de Castro's credibility is torn when a group of people rallied and campaigned for "No Votes for Noli".  *sigh...when will this ever end????

Anyway, the question is not whose presidentiable will be worthy enough for the position.  From my viewpoint, the real question is, whose presidentiable is the LEAST evil that CAN be on that position.

My sister, who's still in first year high school, told us, a lot of people hate GMA again.  She said that no matter what GMA do, people won't trust her again.  Well, our mom and I told her, it's not easy to be in that position.  No matter how huge her accomplishments are, people will find a way to destroy her.  This goes on and on from the beginning, no only in her watch.  She might have done 5 good things during her administration, but one small mistake and the people won't trust her anymore.  That's life...that's Philippines...that's the world.  Do you know crab mentality?  Well, that's the reason...

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